Friday, October 16, 2009

I will love you until the end of time. - Moulin Rouge

9 things.
Today marks the second Friday of the fantabulous weekly challenge. And I changed it to only 9 things I love because 14 seemed like to many and I was too lazy. ;)
1. Skittles.
A-may-zing. that is all.

2. Matchbow 20

They are my favorite and my best! Their songs are just awesome and have the perfect blend of angry break-up songs and crazy-dancin' sing your head off songs! Their concert rocked my socks off too!

3. New Moon

So the expression Twilight-aholic can only stand for another 33 days. The new movie looks 20 gillion times better than the first one. I am so enthused!

4. Kitty Cats.
I am gonna be an old, crazy cat lady when I am 90 years old. Today when we got home I hugged my cat and sat for 10 minutes and petted her while she scarfed down her kitty food. And, as I have let on before, LOLcats give me a good hoot when I am down in the dumps, or if I just want to laugh my butt off!

5. Will & Grace
I have always loved this show, because it is so hilarious and you can jump in at any time during any season or any episode and not even know whats going on because it is so funny! During my late nights of fall break when absolutely nothing of interest comes on TV, I turn to good ole Lifetime and watch this! Harry Connick JR. is on now so go watch it!

6. Charleston
I love it. Everything about it. The smell, the food, the people, the gorgeous homes, the memories made there. It's all amazing. I would live there if I could bring my best friends and my family with me. My favorite attractions in the Low Country area are: Folly Beach, Rainbow Row, California Dreaming, Battery Park, Pineapple Fountain, Giant Swings!

7. Nailpolish
I have a neverending supply of it. My favorite bottle happens to be one that I have had since I was four called "Celestial Purple." And I deffinatley still paint my toes rainbow like this because just one color is much too boring!

8. Goodwill
I used to be scared to go into Goodwill because I used to think that money should only be spent at expensive name-brand places. But now I love Goodwill because I always get cute stuff for a 1/4th of the price that it cost in stores! It has never failed me to have cute thrifty items. The best thing to find there is jewelry and dresses.

9. Fall
The colors of fall are my favorites! I love the smell of burning leaves and cinnamon. I love eating caramel apples and carving pumpkins and wearing scarves and sweaters and boots! Me and momma take too much pleasure in decorating the house with spiders and jack-o-lanterns and ghosts! And I am actually going to confess to being a big fat loser and reading Martha Stewart's Magic of Fall issue. Yeah I know, it seems dorky, ut its really cute!

What are 9 random things that you love?
(or just 2 or 3)
Next Weekly challenge theme: First letter or your name.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Weekly Challenge!

So I came across this cute little weekly challenge scrapbook that me and momma did a few years ago. It's cool, and I decided to recycle the challenges and mix them up and use them on my blog! Every Friday, I will post a picture and a little bit about each week's topic, so that I can begin blogging more frequently!

{Week 1}
What do you believe in?

I believe that the power of prayer is greater than anything in the world. There is nothing more wonderful that having God to turn to when life gets hard. He makes your paths straight and is always there for you. Bigstuf Camp is an awesome way to give back to God through prayer and worship. This video was taken on the last night of camp last summer. It is so inspiring seeing hundreds of kids coming together to sing to God at the beach during the summer.

What do you believe in?

(Next week: 14 things that I love.)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie...

Thats amore
When life lets me down, I have a small handful of things that can always bring a smile to my face.

1. fresh flowers

They smell so delicious, I just wanna eat them. But they don't taste too good.

2. Best Friends.

Sarah, Adrian, Rachel, Brittney and Karrington-thank you guys so much for being my besties and hugging me 20 thousand times when I have sucky days, kidnapping me to go color instead of going to History, watching stupid youtube videos for hours and drooling over picture of Edward Cullen.

3. The Sound of Music

I am not sure if it is a good or bad thing that I know every single word to every single song in this movie...but it makes me laugh, and I watch it despite the fact that my family despises it.

4. Coca Cola
There is nothing more refreshing in this world than an ice-cold 6 ounce bottle of Coke. And the cutesy, vintage posters and signs are fun to collect, too!

5. Brownies

Ghiridelli especially. <3>

6. Bradyn singing Hey Jude in the car ever so cutely.


7. Family Vacations.
This one was taken in Charleston over Spring Break. We are going back to stay in a beach house for a week in 6 days! It gives me something to looks forward to-relaxing.

8. Memories.