I am sitting on my bed spending my friday night at home, in my room watching my favorite chick flicks with a bag of popcorn and a green facial! At the moment, I am watching Mean Girls, probably the most hilariously awesome movie of all time. Anyhoo, Now I am going to totally go back to 7th grade and do one of those cheesy myspace surveys because I have nothing better to blog about!
63 very annoying questions:1. Song that always makes you sad?: Nicholas Sparks Novels
2. Last thing you bought?: some fries and a sprite from Sonic
3. Last person you argued with?: bradyn. little turd tried to eat all my popcorn after he refused to share his with me yesterday
4. Do you put Butter before putting the jelly on?: I put whichever one is the closest to my hand
5. One of your stuffed animals' names as a kid?:hmm, lets see, there was my bear that I creatively named, "baby"
6. Did you ever own at one time a Nysnc Cd?: heck yes. I still have them, too!
7. Favorite day of the week?: saturday saturday saaaaturdaay
8. Favorite Sundae topping?:hot fudge baby
9. Did you take Piano lessons?: I did in 3rd and 4th grade and I quit like a dummy.
10. Most frequent song played?:probably, "Bright Lights" by matchbow 20 or "Drops of Jupiter" by train. they be my favorites
11. T.V. show you secretly enjoy?: Big Time Rush on Nickelodeon. baha
12. Would you rather play basketball or hockey?:hockey. b-ball bores me and I suck at it.
13. Date someone older or younger?: it doesn't matter to me!
14. One place you could travel right now?: Greece. I really wanna go!
15. Do you use umbrellas?: yeah I use my Elvis one cause it has his beautiful face on it!
16. Do you know all the words to the Canadian national anthem?:
O, Canada...nope, thats it!
17. Favorite Cheese?: vermont extra sharp white cheddar. drool.
18. Disturbed or My Chemical Romance?:I have never heard of the 1st one, so I guess the 2nd.
19. Do you prefer Blondes or Brunettes?: why does that matter?!
20. Best job you ever had?: graphic design for a pilot.
21. did you go to your high school prom?:I did! It was the shiz! except I sliced my leg open on a bowl of salsa at the afterparty...dont ask how.
22. perfect time to wake up?: anytime, as long as I have had at least 9 hours. otherwise, I am useless
23. perfect time to go to bed?: when I'm tired
24. do you use your queen right away in chess?: I couldn't even begin to tell you what that even means
25. Ever been in a car accident?:yes a tiny one when I was 9
26. closer to mom or dad...or neither?: momma, she's my buddy. but daddy rocks too!
27. what age is this exciting life over for you?: thats a strange question
28. what decade during the 20th century would you have chosen to be a teenager?: the 1980's! the 40's and 60's tie for a close 2nd.
29. Favorite shoes you have EVER owned?: my ruby slippers from my childhood!
30. Do you have an article of clothing you have had since you were in high school: well yes, considering I am in highschool...
31. Were you in track and field?: I tried it for a week and quit.
32. Were you ever in a school talent show?: yes in 4th grade with my bff Shaina. We made up our own dance to the Britney Spears song "Lucky" and it was the bomb.com
33. Have you ever written in a library book?: I write in textbooks all the time.
34. Allergic to?: mold and dust and pollen...the usual
35. Favorite fruit?: clementines.
36. Have you watched sex and the city?: occasionally
37. Baseball hat or toque?: remind me again what a toque is.
38. Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap?:shampoo
39. Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the toothpaste?:eww wet it definitely
40. Pen or pencil?:pen!
41. Have you ever gambled at a casino?:negative!
42. Have you thrown up on a plane?:nope but my brother has.
43. Have you thrown up in a car?:yes. powdered donuts. yuck.
44. Have you thrown up at work?:i'm unemployed.
45. Do you scream on roller coasters?: yes it's so much more fun that way!
46. Who was your first prom date?: A-Gray
47. Who was your first roommate?:my brother, Will in 2nd grade when we lived in the apartment.
48. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk for the first time?: Well I do not drink, but once I drank some "flavored" lemonade and didnt know it had alcohol in it and spit it out!
49. What was your first job?: um babysititng?
50. What was your first car?:my 1st car was ugly. that's all you need to know...
51. When did you go to your first funeral?:when I was a baby.
52. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown?: I dont know what to consider my hometown
53. Who was your first grade teacher?: ms. Young. she was mean and scary and old.
54. Where did you go on your first airplane ride?: San Francisco
55. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?: I have never snuck out of MY house because our house beeps when you open a door...but I rolled a yard the first time I snuck out of my friends house.
56. Who was your first Best Friend and are you still friends with them?: Amandalyn! We liked catching frogs, the Spice Girls, and rollerblading! and yes we are still friends!
57. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parent's house?: I live at home still. kinda like most other 17 year olds in the whole world.
58. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?: God!
59. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsme: I was a flower girl in my uncle Robbie and Aunt Tina's wedding when I was 4.
60. What is the first thing you do in the morning?: pee.
61. What was the first concert you attended?: Gretchen Wilson in 6th grade with my friend Emily
62. First tattoo or piercing?: Ears.
63. First celebrity crush?:Kevin from the Backstreet Boys. I wanted to marry him.
I feel really pathetic right now.