Thursday, July 30, 2009

I know it's up to me if you steal my sunshine.

This is where I look to make me laugh and cheer me up when I am having an off-day.

Keyboard Cat on Youtube.

Can you believe they tried to sue keyboard cat's owners for animal cruelty. I mean you can clearly see that Fatso Schmitt (keyboard cat's real name) wanted to show off his mad piano skills.

Anyone who has been flipping channels to find that this show was playing on about 5 channels and overlooks it and thinks to themself that it must be the stereotypical doctor show full of blood and needles and jerky doctors. Well one fateful day me and the brotha Will decided to watch it because we were desperate for a funny sitcom to amuse us. Let's just say that we watch it daily and have 50-something episodes DVR'd. All hail J.D. and Turk.

Silly Twilight pictures.
This one just happens to be my favorite. Hehe...

"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball."
"L for love!"
nuff said.
Mi Familia.
We are funny and retarded and special in our own little ways. Curbjumper, Mee-mawp, Fletcher, Squilliam Fancypants, and Baybaywishus.
They are the bomb. Me and bray can sit and laugh at a billion of them at and never get tired. They bring me great humor.
Dis be my favy fave.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

All summer long.

This Wednesday marks the beginning of the second half of my highschool career.

It's kind of a bittersweet feeling because I know it will fly by and before I know it, college will be here. However, I am just as excited about this year. I will be filled with a lot of hardwork because all of my hardest classes are this year - AP English 3, US History, and Chemistry?!?!

Also we will be blessed with a sweet new Aristocats teacher! What joy!

Sarah, my bestest New Jersey dwelling, Casey Darnell loving, youtube watching friend moves back to Chat-Town for college. So we can only hang out on select weekends when she comes home. :(

So now I shall shed some light on my delightfully humorous last month of summer!

Bella and I decided to have a photoshoot in honor of her being the most awesomest lolcat ever to prowl the earth. So I fluffed up her fur and positioned her ever so cutely with her little friend who can't decide if it is a bunny or a frog. She looks irritated because her raccoon tail would not fit in the picture due to its large volume.

Yes, this is a typical Bradyn picture, filled with more energy that than the energizer bunny.

While visiting Gram's house I had the pleasure of meeting her 11 cats. Let me try to explain to you their complicated and slighty dysfunctional family tree: All of them (not including the loner on the left) are related, somehow...their siblings may also be their grandparents. The big fat calico one, thats cookie, the skank mama. The other 2 big grey ones are boys and they are my cat, Bella brothers, Fidget and Midget. This is Cookie's 87th batch of babies. There names are, in order of their niceness, Ralph the Required(the one by itself. he just showed up one day and eats all the food now) Heath, Lola, Spitunia, JD, Turk, and I forgot the other ones names.

Ralph the Required.

Evil Sunburn. And just so you know, vinegar does not heal it, but makes you smell rotten.

Moi, Anna, Kristen, and Adrian at the Dixie Stampede.

Our fantabulous Putput picture! Somehow I came out and won...wierd.

Pickel street. haha.

Jackalopes do exist.

Bumpit is a fail, big fat fail. I tried it on myself and on Adrian and did not succeed either times.

While camping, I practiced my photography skills. I learned while reading one of my favorite photography blogs that texture makes the picture. So I played with my camera and put in on high ISO and continuous image stabilization and voila. A watermelon picture.

Our duck friends. Daddy almost killed one by accident with a fishing pole. true story.

Tonisha the tent. haha I love naming inanimate objects.

Thomas Kinkade now does disney paintings. Pinnochio was my favorite!


Technically, summer does not end until September, and that means that I still have 2 more months almost of hot weather, boating, tanning, bible studies and Drive in! Summer Fun doesn't have to come to a dead halt just because some lame-o school board decides to force the childrens to come back to school in July.
Since, mother says, this is my last night of staying up as late as I want, I had better go do something useful.
"Well nothing seems as strange as when the leaves begin to change, oh how we thought those days would never end."
-Kid Rock

Friday, July 17, 2009

There will be no white flag above my door

My life at the moment:
Wii Fit.
My favorite activities are Hula-hooping and yoga. Its very fun and addicting. My personal trainer, Jon-Pierre told me I have great balance and abdominal strength! Haha, then Benny the balance board yelled at me for jumping on it. But, it's still awesome!

Hollywood Bumpits.
The other day, I decided to invest in some bumpits! So I purchased them at Wally-World, and went right home and attempted to use them.
My hair doesn't bump, thats all there is to it!
I finally got momma to put it my hair, because I simply could not!
She got it to do the ponytail, and that's it.
Pictures will come when I have perfected the art of Bumping.

My Sister's Keeper.
Sad, sad little book. I haven't actually cried yet, but I am not very far into it. I really would like to see the movie, but none of the friends will go see it with me.

Dawn of the Dinosaurs.
So apparently it's in did I not realize this earlier?!?!?! I am leaving in 30 minutes to go see it at the drive in, and the only 3D glasses I could scrounge up were some dinosaur ones.
Yeah I'm a cool breeze.

I cut my bangs shorter the other day, and love them! But I look different in this picture with the brown eyes and dark hair and tan-ness....wierd.

Well, I'm off to the drive-in with mi familia. Then tomorrow I leave for Gatlinburg with Adrian and her familia.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sweet pea, apple of my eye...

I <3my room.
Last year, I got to switch rooms with my brother because I wanted the bigger room, and for my Birthday, I got to totally redcorate it! I love everything about it, and these are my favorites things.
Dress figure, purple curtains, coca-cola calendar.


Stripey wall, zebra lantern, zebra chair, Ikea Bed, 31 C, lampy-lamp, Old-timey phone.

My fabulous color-coded closet.
Chelsea Chic Lotion and Headless Barbie with a necklace holder thing. How charming.

Color-coded necklaces=happiness.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Eight-Legged Freak.

Here's the thing.
So I died.
Only 20 minutes ago, I was ever so innocently watching the Secret Life of the American Teenager in my room. It was a tearjearker, because Grace Bowman'n dad died, and she blamed herself for various reasons. But that is not why I died.
Anywho, I was just sitting in my chair when Braadyn comes in and asks me to open his popsicle, and when I lean over to the trash can to throw away the wrapper, I saw IT.
IT was none other than an awfully-atrocious-despicably-nauseating-wretched-HUGE-scum of the Earth-freaking member of the arachnid family that decided to alienate my peaceful bedroom and creep around like it owned the place.
Well I stopped breathing for who knows how long and just stared at it. Then Bradyn started laughing and admiring it (wierdo??!?!?!?!?!?!) so I came to my senses and snatched up the nearest squishing object-an empty coke bottle and began hopelessly beating at the creature, who I will now name Icky Igor, and was so freaky and spastic, that it escaped.
That was when I started hyperventilating, because it just dissappeared and all I could think of was waking up in the middle of the night to find it crawling on my face and dying of a stroke.
So I was about to faint, when I saw it scurrying across the floor 10 feet away on the other side of my room. I threw the closet door open, grabbed my character shoe, lunged at Icky Igor and smacked him with so much force that I think I shook the entire house.
Then I got the coke bottle and scooped it up into it and ran into the playroom and gave it to my brother and his friend who took it from my hands like it was chocolate cake.

And now I sit in my room still shaking and breathing heavily, trying to explain my brush with Death. I might go sleep on the couch tonight.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I still haven't found what i'm looking for...

Aw. I love this picture.
mom and me about 13 years ago.

Hola! I feel like I haven't blogged in forever. I have been down in Mississippi for a while, and finally returned home this weekend! This is what I have been up to:


My awesome Uncle Josh and his wifey Jade drove me and the brothas home from MS this weekend and stayed 2 nights with us! We boated and watched movies on the big screen projector! It was fun.

p.s. DON'T rent The Unborn. It is an awful movie that made me sick to my stomach. Instead, watch New In Town. It was too funny.


School starts in 2 freakin weeks. Gosh Dangit. Summer was too short, and I have not had enough time to see some people that I promised I would hang out with. Karrington, Karen, Sarah Beth, Toye, there is still time!


This Saturday I leave for a Gatlinburg Excursion with Adrian and her family! I am super-thrilled because we will be shopping most of the time!


I want to start scrapbooking again. I used to do it with momma and I quit, but now I want to do it again, because I have billions of pictures that just sit on my computer and I want to do something fun with them!


I have taken a vow, that says that I will never, ever get a manicure or a pedicure! I just recently gave myself a Pedi with white tips and it looks pretty darn good, if I do say so myself! And I did not spend a dime!


I want at least a weeks worth of new clothes for Back to School. I have been shopping at my new favorite store, Trade Zone, and found lots of cutesy stuff. My favorite is the Jeans. They have American Eagle, Seven, BKE and Rampage jeans for less than 20 bucks. They are used, but you totally can't tell.


I recently became a Victorias Secret Pink Nation member and was given a coupon for some free undies and a free download for my favorite Parachute Song. Also, I signed up for Rue21 Membership and got a 20% off coupon. I also dug deep in my Seventeen Magazines for coupons and found a few. I shall use them for my shopping trip with Adrian.


I have made my christmas list already. It is very short and sweet. On it you will find A SLR-style Kodak 15x zoom camera. It is the new love of my life. I am slowly and hopelessly becoming obsessed with photography. I am looking at online tip videos and shows on TV about how to take professional-looking pics. Props go out to CScott Photography for being my numero uno favorite for inspiration. Also to Tara Whitney.


Some more things you will find on my Christmas list are navy TOMS shoes, Northface Jacket, Gift Cards for Forever 21, Beatles Rock Band, another Gilmore Girls season, jewelry making kits, and scrapbooking stuff.


On July 3rd, my family got to the dinky Tullahoma airport to chill out in our neighbor, Chris Rounds' Hangar for his plane that he flew in the airshow. It was totally cool.




I should really finish reading my books. I am in the process of reading Cold Sassy Tree for AP English and gave up on it because it bored me, so I started My Sister's Keeper. It makes me sad...but I must finish it so I can see the movie and bawl my eyes out. Yep, it's guaranteed that I will shed some tears in any movie directed by the same guy who directed The Notebook.


I absolutley L-O-V-E my life right now! Yay!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


On Tuesday, Adrian, momma, and I decided to venture off to Normandy, a deserted old town that features the most perfect main street with old signs and bright painted doors, a railroad track, and a cute little white pickett fence! We dressed up in our turquoise and coral dresses and found an old frame and a polkadot umbrella and got momma to take these!

My Favorite.

Compliments of



Mr.Frame is the bestest.


You can stand under my umbrella-ella-ella...

My second favorite.

Coolest old building ever.

Brick walls, waterfall, girl you think you know it all, you don't, I do...bahahahaha 2nd grade memories....

And we got to witness a girl walking a shetland pony down the side of the might be a redneck if...haha, it was strange.
And then our fun was ruined when we got yelled at by a psychotic old man who accused us of being druggie, terrorist-y maniacs for taking pictures on the tracks without permission. but that's a whole other story....