It's kind of a bittersweet feeling because I know it will fly by and before I know it, college will be here. However, I am just as excited about this year. I will be filled with a lot of hardwork because all of my hardest classes are this year - AP English 3, US History, and Chemistry?!?!
Also we will be blessed with a sweet new Aristocats teacher! What joy!
Sarah, my bestest New Jersey dwelling, Casey Darnell loving, youtube watching friend moves back to Chat-Town for college. So we can only hang out on select weekends when she comes home. :(
So now I shall shed some light on my delightfully humorous last month of summer!
Bella and I decided to have a photoshoot in honor of her being the most awesomest lolcat ever to prowl the earth. So I fluffed up her fur and positioned her ever so cutely with her little friend who can't decide if it is a bunny or a frog. She looks irritated because her raccoon tail would not fit in the picture due to its large volume.
Yes, this is a typical Bradyn picture, filled with more energy that than the energizer bunny.
While visiting Gram's house I had the pleasure of meeting her 11 cats. Let me try to explain to you their complicated and slighty dysfunctional family tree: All of them (not including the loner on the left) are related, somehow...their siblings may also be their grandparents. The big fat calico one, thats cookie, the skank mama. The other 2 big grey ones are boys and they are my cat, Bella brothers, Fidget and Midget. This is Cookie's 87th batch of babies. There names are, in order of their niceness, Ralph the Required(the one by itself. he just showed up one day and eats all the food now) Heath, Lola, Spitunia, JD, Turk, and I forgot the other ones names.

Our fantabulous Putput picture! Somehow I came out and won...wierd.

Jackalopes do exist.

Bumpit is a fail, big fat fail. I tried it on myself and on Adrian and did not succeed either times.

Our duck friends. Daddy almost killed one by accident with a fishing pole. true story.
Tonisha the tent. haha I love naming inanimate objects.

Thomas Kinkade now does disney paintings. Pinnochio was my favorite!


Thomas Kinkade now does disney paintings. Pinnochio was my favorite!

Technically, summer does not end until September, and that means that I still have 2 more months almost of hot weather, boating, tanning, bible studies and Drive in! Summer Fun doesn't have to come to a dead halt just because some lame-o school board decides to force the childrens to come back to school in July.
Since, mother says, this is my last night of staying up as late as I want, I had better go do something useful.
"Well nothing seems as strange as when the leaves begin to change, oh how we thought those days would never end."
-Kid Rock
now you will have football, drive-in, chilly nights and the chiminea, folly beach in october to look forward to.