This is where I look to make me laugh and cheer me up when I am having an off-day.
Keyboard Cat on Youtube.
Can you believe they tried to sue keyboard cat's owners for animal cruelty. I mean you can clearly see that Fatso Schmitt (keyboard cat's real name) wanted to show off his mad piano skills.
Scrubs.Anyone who has been flipping channels to find that this show was playing on about 5 channels and overlooks it and thinks to themself that it must be the stereotypical doctor show full of blood and needles and jerky doctors. Well one fateful day me and the brotha Will decided to watch it because we were desperate for a funny sitcom to amuse us. Let's just say that we watch it daily and have 50-something episodes DVR'd. All hail J.D. and Turk.
keyboard cat is a classic, dodgeball funniest thing ever, the edwards prayer has got to be my favorite twilight picture ever,and the cats are too funny.