Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sweet pea, apple of my eye...

I <3my room.
Last year, I got to switch rooms with my brother because I wanted the bigger room, and for my Birthday, I got to totally redcorate it! I love everything about it, and these are my favorites things.
Dress figure, purple curtains, coca-cola calendar.


Stripey wall, zebra lantern, zebra chair, Ikea Bed, 31 C, lampy-lamp, Old-timey phone.

My fabulous color-coded closet.
Chelsea Chic Lotion and Headless Barbie with a necklace holder thing. How charming.

Color-coded necklaces=happiness.


  1. I am totally in love with your room and when we get a new house you are so totally helping me to design it because yours is so awesome.

  2. you have the CUTEST room ever.

    i'm totally in love with it.

